Information about dog control, including where dogs must be kept on a lead, and penalties for offenders
The Public Spaces Protection Order (Control of Dogs) 2021 places controls on dog fouling, requiring dogs to be on leads, or banning dogs in certain parts of the borough.
Dogs are banned in the following areas:
All parishes Enclosed children's play areas All year
Hunstanton Beach from the power boat ramp TF667400 to northern extremity of the promenade TF67141410 April - 31 October inclusive
Dogs must be kept on a lead in the following areas:
If someone fails to comply with the requirements of the order we can:
If you're experiencing a noise nuisance from a barking dog, we may be able to help. Find out more on our noise nuisance page.
To find out more you can download a full copy of the order.
Norfolk County Council are investigating reports of flooding in West Winch and would like to hear from you if it has been a problem in your street or house.
If you have already discussed it with Alexandra Kemp our local county councillor and she has your details, you do not need to report it again.
Please fill out the online flood report form It would be particularly helpful if you could provide any photographs or video footage that you have.
If you would like a paper copy of the flood report form please contact us on 0344 800 80 20 Norfolk County Council FLOOD & WATER MANAGEMENT
Community & Environmental Services County Hall,
Martineau Lane,
Office: 0344 800 80 20 Email:
Excess waste
If you’re finding that your black bin is always full, you can put any extra general waste into a black plastic sack. You must seal each bag with a pink or red tag. These cost £2.05 each and can be purchased using the red tag order form below. Please put any extra black waste sacks out with your bin on collection day. They will only remove bags that are pink or red-tagged.
Need an extra bin?
They may be able to supply you with an extra bin, depending on the circumstances.
General waste (black bin)
There are some circumstances where they may be able to supply you with an extra black bin.
To make a request, please complete the online form, and they’ll assess your application. Or they may work with you to try to reduce the volume of your waste.
Recycling bins (green bin)
In most circumstances, additional green recycling bins are available free of charge. They’ll inform you of any associated costs (if applicable) when you order your new bin(s).
Extra Bins You can also take your extra waste to one of Norfolk County Council’s household recycling centres.
Assisted bin collection service
What is an assisted bin collection?
An assisted collection is when the waste crew collect, empty and return your bins to the storage position at an agreed location on your property.
If you have difficulty moving your wheelie bins yourself, please let them know so that they can arrange for a member of their crew to help out on collection day. The service is designed for anyone who is physically unable to move the wheelie bin for the roadside for us to collect. They can arrange for an assisted collection on a temporary basis, or on a long-term basis depending on your circumstances.
Apply for an assisted bin collection
If you would like to arrange an assisted collection please complete the online form.